

  • 时间:2016-11-28 18:00:45
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PC panel for popular adornment material, PC board in ordinary days work a lot, and is suitable for garden decoration, entertainment, recreation corridor together pavilion, PC board have what characteristics, let's look at the characteristics of the PC board.

PC board surface with uv protection, surface chemical co-extrusion layer in ultraviolet light absorption into visible light. It has a safe on the photosynthesis of plants, very suitable for Yu Baogui art protection, and uv protection function. The strength of the PC board is 300 times that of general glass distribution, is 30 times the acrylic allocation, toughened glass 2 times, is a good material of bulletproof glass.
40 degrees Celsius below zero to 120 degrees Celsius temperature range will not cause deformation and other quality deterioration. Excellent light transmittance as high as 90%, its light transmittance can and glass. Long-term exposure in the sun will not yellow, not soften, the pressure in the harsh environment, function has no obvious change. Light weight, has the remarkable adaptability and security, bored easily, the detection equipment, not easy craze, construction briefly, briefly. Now, of course, every field using a lot of local PC board, PC board price relative to the comparison of the glass is also has a great advantage.
General PC board can be seen on the streets, shops, stores, and so on are all made of PC board, relative to other same products, PC board manufactured products will be much better. Take for speaking, if use a metal, is too heavy, price is expensive, and welding, PC board production is much more convenient, but glue is ok, so now the street see roots are in the PC board shop.
Introduced all over the PC board, hope small make up that will help us.

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