

  • 时间:2016-12-09 15:12:51
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PC board greenhouse, let a person more near natural, can make people more comfortable, is now mostly for the building of the family, but the real implementation of, for material aspect really threaten many common sense of the shortage of PC board, in order to clean our troubles and live a comfortable life, small make up today will sunlight greenhouse board sense summarized below:
PC board greenhouses in the creation, the customer always think the thickness of the bigger the better, but this is not a must.
PC board greenhouse, PC greenhouse is also called the sunshine board PC sunshine board increasing applied to equipment in the construction of agricultural production. But many of the sunshine board thickness and layers do not understand, if in theory layer must be the more the better?
PC sunshine plate thickness of layer analysis:
1, the interests of the sandwich plate: layer more good sound insulation, good insulation, heat preservation function good, support is better than two layer.
2, the shortcomings of multilayer: low light transmittance, contrast double-plate light transmittance is low, cannot satisfy some flowers plant of growth needs.
3, capital contrast: a multilayer capital must be higher than single layer, is unable to prevent this, we can according to the practice need to create several layers of PC board
4, the use of multilayer taking longer, but it is also based on the PC board data, some manufacturers will cover a layer on the PC board is prevented bask in corrosion resistance of the film, this can be useful to extend life spans
5, then what circumstances choose sandwich plate as well, for the space is too small, highly short, supporting frame too thin, perhaps noise barrier material, this case is really the key to acoustic insulation supplications.
信任经过以上描绘,我们在构建温室 阳光房时,对PC板的挑选应当不是很困难了.
Trust has been depicted above, when we build the greenhouse sun room, choose the PC board shall be not very difficult.

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