

  • 时间:2016-12-13 16:17:25
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How good quality PC board is difference, not familiar with PC operation will need to know more about the customers. The original just enough careful, can easily away from poor endurance plate. When get the PC board, first need to see the product packaging, see whether the protective film of product. Enough neat appearance, it is image points, and a factory does not pay attention to product packaging, not to say that the quality of the products have what problem, but will always leave some owe good image. Just like usual shopping, packaging exquisite products, we are always more willing to purchase.
1. The finish packing, look at the quality of the product itself. By the product's protective film, query the appearance of PC board, assuming there are a lot of bubbles and particles, the clear endurance plate must not use the best material. General imported materials, namely ten years warranty, PC board is difficult to see particles and bubbles.
2. Second, seeing endurance high transparency is not high. Can also be a period of time in the sun insolates, assuming that some have yellow, pervious to light, and there are even atomization, then this must be poor quality. And a simple inspection method is put in the bottom of the PC board a blank sheet of paper look at endurance plate through the white paper is yellow, yellow serious material is bad, not yellow material is better.
3. Suppose there are conditions, can also take small endurance plate for inspection, burning it with lighter, better quality PC material, produce of endurance plate will be out of the fire of his suspended for a period of time, after melting, can pull a long, because the PC board material molecular weight is higher, the board is not easy to break and broken.

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