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PC board shed during the dry season how to insist on cleaning
Now most of the cars and bicycles canopy will choose PC board roof steel structure, the recent south continues to rain, the canopy top PC board chairman of the wild things of moss, seriously affect the carport pervious to light quality and beautiful, with moss will corrosion endurance plate, affect the service life of endurance plate. How do we protect endurance plate carport? Let's talk about endurance plate clean careful considerations.
PC board: cleaning and protection of the small area to clean: wash with warm water. With a neutral rain-water or household detergent against the warm water to wash, with a soft cloth or sponge to remove the dust and dirt; With cold water washing and after dry with a soft cloth wipe water after dry peeling. Large area cleaning: tap or water cannons flush with water; Water addition should be compatible with the PC board.
Wash care matters: do not clean with alkali sanding or PC board, do not use hard and dry cloth or brush appearance, avoid hair picture. Can't use Ding Jirong fiber agent and isopropyl alcohol solution to clean the uv PC board. Advocate cleaning with solvent: anhydrous alcohol, petroleum ether (BP65), ethane, kang alkanes.

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