

  • 时间:2017-05-12 10:16:41
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With the development of science and technology, now the endurance board and sunshine board have become a kind of common building materials. Today's PC board is a small series for you to introduce the use of solar panels.

聚碳酸酯(耐力板,阳光板所用材质)无色透明,耐热,抗衝击,阻燃,在普通使用温度内都有良好的机械性能。和性能接近的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯相比, 聚碳酸酯(耐力板,阳光板所用材质) 的耐冲击性能好,折射率高,加工性能好,不需要添加剂就具有UL94 V-0级阻燃性能。但是聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯的价格较低,并可通过本体聚合的方法生產大型的器件。

Polycarbonate (endurance board, sunlight board material) colorless, transparent, heat-resistant, shock resistance, flame retardant, in the ordinary use temperature has good mechanical properties. Compared with the performance close to that of PMMA, polycarbonate (endurance plate sunshine plate material used) the good impact resistance, high refractive index, good processing performance, no additives with UL94 class V-0 flame retardant properties. But the price of polymethyl methacrylate is low, and large scale devices can be produced by bulk polymerization.

目前随著聚碳酸酯生產规模的日益扩大,聚碳酸酯同聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯之间的价格差异在日益缩小。不能长期接触60℃以上的热水, 聚碳酸酯(耐力板,阳光板所用材质) 燃烧时会发出热解气体,塑料烧焦起泡,但不著火,离火源即熄灭,发出稀有薄的苯酚气味,火焰呈黄色,发光淡乌黑色,温度达140℃开始软化, 220℃熔解,可吸红外线光谱。

At present, with the expansion of polycarbonate production scale, the price difference between polycarbonate and polymethyl methacrylate is shrinking. No long-term exposure to more than 60 DEG C hot water (polycarbonate endurance plate sunshine plate material used) will be issued when the pyrolysis gas combustion, burning plastic foam, but not on fire, away from the fire is extinguished, a phenol smell rare thin, yellow flame, emitting light black, the temperature of 140 DEG C to softening. 220 DEG C melting, absorption infrared spectroscopy.

聚碳酸酯 (耐力板,阳光板所用材质) 是日常常见的一种材料。由于其无色透明和优异的抗衝击性,日常常见的应用有CD/VCD光碟,桶装水瓶,婴儿奶瓶,防弹玻璃,树脂镜片、银行防子弹之玻璃、车头灯罩、动物笼子、登月太空人的头盔面罩等等。

Polycarbonate (endurance board, sun board material) is a common everyday material. Because of its transparent and excellent impact resistance, application of daily common CD/VCD discs, bottled water, baby bottles, glass plates, resin lenses, bullet proof glass, bank front lampshade, animal cages, Lunarnaut Helmet Mask etc..


As people become more familiar with the endurance panels and sun panels, the market for PC panels will be better and better

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