

  • 时间:2021-12-07 14:16:05
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a. 运送PC板时要留心不要檫伤板面,损坏边沿。用剪刀或钻孔东西按所需标准取舍后,再沿着每边揭去大约50mm的保护膜后进行设备,别的的等到设备完工后再撕去。还需要致使留心的是,全部翻开的边沿应封上恰当的胶膜防止水、尘土或其它杂质侵入。
A. don't grazed and PC board should pay attention to when carrying board face, damage to the edge. With scissors or boring things according to the required standard after the trade-offs, peel off along each side of about 50 mm again after coating equipment, other equipment completed until after the tear. Also need the attention, all opened the seal the edge should be of the appropriate film to prevent water, dust, or other intrusion.
b. 在后面章节中,中空板的最小弯曲半径是其厚度的175倍,只可以冷弯,不能热弯。
B. in a later chapter, hollow plate the smallest bending radius is 175 times of its thickness, can only cold bending, hot bending.
c. 实心板的最小弯曲半径是其厚度的150倍,6mm以下厚度可以冷弯和热弯成型,8mm以上的厚度则需要热弯。
C. the smallest bending radius of solid sheet is 150 times of its thickness, under 6 mm thickness can be cold bending and hot bending forming, hot bending is required to the thickness of more than 8 mm.
d. PC板应顺骨架方向设备,使水滴下滑。板顶边运用防渗防尘铝箔带密封。板底边用特制有孔透水式铝箔带封底可使冷凝水流走。
D. PC board should be along the direction of skeleton equipment, make water droplets fall. Top edge of plate using anti-seepage dustproof aluminum foil seal. Plate with a hole bottom edge with special waterproof type of aluminum foil with back cover can make the condensed water outflow.

e. 有必要为PC板材的热膨胀预留空间,每1000mm长的板材约预留3mm,并确保满意槽深。钻孔直径应大于螺丝直径的1.5倍。
E. it is necessary for the thermal expansion of the PC board room, around the reserved 3 mm, per 1000 mm long plank and ensure satisfaction groove depth. The hole diameter should be greater than 1.5 times the diameter of the screw.
f. 密封系统分为干式系统(运用EPDM或其它相容性胶条)和湿式系统(运用认可的中性硅酮密封胶)两种,不可以用PVC材料进行密封。
F. sealing system is divided into dry type system (use EPDM or other compatible strip) and wet system (using the neutral silicone sealant) approved by the two kinds of, can't use PVC material for sealing.

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